
Co-Working Space
You step in the office and are welcomed with a fresh brewing coffee coupled with energetic atmosphere, a wave of energy runs through you. And this is where you know, this place stands apart from your regular office space.A co-working space is a shared workspace where several minds come together to discuss their ideas. It inculcates a sense of community among its occupants who desire to do work with flexibility and freedom. We at AIC-RNTU provide well-furnished co-working space which has been divided into three categories according to the needs of the startups – hot desk, dedicated desk, and cabins. They come with an array of enticing facilities:
- Free high-speed wifi
- Well-equipped library with access to books on various subjects
- Hangout Area
- Conference Hall, Meeting Rooms, Discussion Rooms, Workstations
- Electricity with UPS backup
- Printers, Scanners, and other stationery

I4 Lab - [Innovation Integration Incubation and Implementation]
Rapid Prototyping
A rapid prototyping lab weighs much importance when it comes to product development. AIC-RNTU has the well-furnished rapid prototyping lab equipped with the latest technology to help the startups create a high-quality scale model of their product at lower costs. A shared Rapid Prototyping lab ensures speedy process and efficient management of the available resources.Fabrication
Dedicated to the facility of digital fabrication, a well-furnished fab lab with all the modern equipment comes up with AIC-RNTU. It renders assistance to the product focused startups with a bunch of flexible technology, industrial-grade fabrication and computer-controlled tools to carry out their research with ease. The benefit of a fab lab lies in its ability to be tailored according to the specific needs of the startups.Internet of Things (IoT)
A highly developed IoT lab dons our Incubation Centre for the startups driven toward advanced technical research and innovation. It is basically a large scale research platform for exploiting the potential of the Internet of Things to translate innovative ideas into material products. Our sophisticated lab is suitable for carrying out the deployment and testing of small wireless sensor devices and communicating objects.