Learn to Earn - Bonsai

An interactive workshop on BONSAI was being organised by AIC-RNTU. The key speaker was BONSAI Expert, Mr. Padmesh Chaturvedi. The event was sponsored by Rabindranath Tagore University, Bhopal. The whole workshop was found to be very useful and interesting by BONSAI lovers. It covered a complete demonstration of the making of BONSAI plant which starts with the selection of plant followed by wiring, shaping, repotting, pruning of leaves and roots, watering, moss grassing, soil making, and ends up with manure selection and making. The workshop had also covered the entrepreneurial aspects of a BONSAI business.

Date and Venue:27 October, 2018 - AIC RNTU, Rabindranath Tagore University Campus-Bhopal

Key Speaker: Mr. Padmesh Chaturvedi, Expert in Bonsai

Organizers/Co-Organizers: AIC-RNTU