Session on "Termsheet & SHA"
The session on "Termsheet & SHA" was taken by Mr. Vikrant Potnis and was organized by AIC-RNTU Foundation for the participating startups of Discover Cohort 2023.The session started understanding the Termsheet & SHA in brief. Mr. Vikrant described termsheet as letter of intent from investors end when you're raising funds. Mr. Vikrant then talked about the major things you should keep in your head when you're looking forward to raise funds i.e.
1. Is your business fundeable?
2. Process of fundraising
3. Investor connects
Next, Mr. Vikrant explained the important clauses of termsheet which you should put a keen eye on while signing it with any investor:
Date and Venue: 2023-08-12 - ,Zoom Meeting
Objectives in Brief: To impart knowledge on Tremsheet & SHA and its clauses
Key Speaker: Mr. Vikrant Potnis, Founder, Fundenable & Indian Academy of Venture Capital (IAVC)
Organizers/Co-Organizers: AIC-RNTU Foundation